Sunday, November 15, 2009

not having an emotional break down

This whole thing I'm doing right now is terribly stressful. I work for ten hours a day (and there's an hour of commute in there too), spend an hour each studying US History, Literature, and Bulgarian, and, if I can, going to the gym at least three times a week, and some time, magically, I write essays for college applications.

It's terrible.

However, the real problem is that I simply don't have any friends any more. That sounds like an exaggeration, but most people I spent time with in high school are at college out of state, and the ones who are here, well, I'm not interested in those parties where you drink beer out of red solo cups, and dance awkwardly to bad music with people you don't know.

Maybe that's just me.

I do see Blackbird sometimes, he just moved into town though, so it's on a "every other weekend maybe" schedule.

I need to stop being emo about this.

But it's really hard and the weekends are the worst.

I have too much time to manage it efficiently and I do things like this- waste of time, right? Or play with pictures I took in Sofia on Photoshop.

Like this, which is of my brother and sister in law at their wedding.  I like it as a silhouette.

In Bulgarian the word for wedding is svedba.  And if you are married, as a woman, you are "husbanded" (omujena) and as a man, you are wifed!  (jenen)

I really should download a cyrillic thing, but eh.  I don't want to right now.

Anyway, I'm going to go study Politics and Society in the 1930s. 

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